"Random Writings in Ridiculous Times"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Age of Being UnFiltered

I'm getting older, from what I am told, this opens up additional permissions for me as DSC00674 an adult, it's like a rite of passage. I get to participate in the hot flash movement, am free to express myself through mood swings and best of all; I am allowed to become unfiltered! If you're under 40, be aware that these luxuries in life are not afforded to you as they are to women of my age {listen to me making myself sound like I've got one foot in the grave!!} but, you are allowed to watch and learn from those of us who have been promoted to the world of middle age womanhood living!!

So, back to being unfiltered......how did I arrive at this point in my life and am I happy here? Well, I know that I have developed a subtle intolerance for ignorance in other people, especially those who are younger and have not reached middle age. Is it just me or are younger people these days lacking in the basics such as common sense, the ability to articulate efficiently and the willingness to shut up and listen to those beyond them in years?

Open mouth insert foot doesn't seem to be important anymore, they just speak what's on their mind without any displayed level of class or intelligence. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for saying what you feel, but have we lost the ability to deliver a message with consideration of the other persons feelings in mind? And to make matters worse, many of us just stand by and let people speak out of turn or disrespectfully without uttering a word in response because we don't want to "offend" or "upset" the other person........do you see anything wrong with this picture?

I'm getting older {I keep saying this don't I?} and I'm realizing that I don't have time to sit idly by and say nothing to those who speak or act immaturely, I just don't have it in me anymore to worry about softening the delivery of my communication for fear of ruffling another person’s feathers. If you're going to say something I don't agree with, or say something out of turn, be prepared for my response.....I can assure you it will be forthcoming.

I'm pretty much over trying to build up my "friends" list in facebook, if you're going to put your words out there for everyone to see and hear, be willing to get an honest response from people like me that have reached the unfiltered phase of life.

So here's my first public unfiltered statement which irks me to no end..... if you're an older adult and your body weight has "shifted" over the years, don't wear tight Spandex spandex in public and get upset when you know people are gawking and talking about you!! They're unattractive, inappropriate and unfair to the rest of our eyes to have to see. 

With all the retail stores out there {and consignment shops if you need to save some money} you can find a pair of real material pants to wear when you're in public. We don't need to play the game of "count the dimples"....

Another unfiltered comment about style while we're on the subject......if you're blessed with an overabundance of fluff on your top end, how about leaving some of it tucked inside of your blouse? If a woman is well endowed, does she have to reveal to the world that she has a 4 inch crease line between her ladies? If your blouse is revealing too much, recognize that you probably need to suck it up and go for a bigger blouse to keep things in check. {And don't even get me started on women who are largely stacked with tattoos showing....aaaggghhhh!!!} We woman have to respect what we've been given and demonstrate some class to the rest of the population!!

My final unfiltered comment is for those who think its ok to butt in with their own Polls_gossip1_4019_19253_answer_4_xlarge advice and opinion about another person’s affairs just because they think they have all the answers {you know who you are!!} Here's the rule we should all follow:::: If you have no responsibility or ownership of the content of the conversation....don't give your advice or opinion! Listen, offer support and encouragement and then...you guessed it...."open mouth, insert foot!!" I may share my life challenges with you but I'm not looking for you to solve them. I do also not need to hear about how you went through the exact same things and as a result of your experience; you hold the answers to all my problems! I am sharing with you but unless I request it....please don't share with me. {This of course excludes family because we are entitled to get into each other’s business...it's out rite of passage}.

I've got some work to do on this unfiltered thing....I really love people and I recognize that we're all in different stages of life and we all have stories to share, I've got my own just like the next person. 90% of our time should be spent listening and 10% talking. The question to ask yourself is "am I using my 10% in a manner that is good for me and others or am I just wasting my air"?

I feel better now......no apologize for my unfiltered post.....I'm getting older.....

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