Hi everyone. It's early Monday morning, just got one teenagers off to
school, several postings done, folded two loads of laundry and now
whipping up this post. Does it ever amaze you how much you can get done
in the morning when the house is quiet? Had some coffee, pet the animals
(3 dogs, 2 cats) and sat down to write up this little diddy.....It
doesn't get any better!!
So, about the title of this one "I got bit!" sounds a bit odd doesn't
it? I mean, I've been in funk mode and that's what I write about so why
all of the sudden something about getting bit? Well, I can assure you
there were no bugs involved and I have no welts to speak of, but I've
definitely been bit! It's called the "bite of conviction" and I got it
yesterday. This is where I am really aware that God has a sense of humor
that I can't compete with because my humor is usually directed at
others and his is usually on me!
So here's my bite story:
I arose yesterday expecting a typical Sunday of church, house things,
time with kids, crafting (of course!) and am really ok with this. My
husband is gone already as the church is having their spring musical and
he's in the choir and singing in a trio so they get together early to
prep I guess. I follow later with kids to the 10:45 service (not a
morning person for church so the 8:45 is not for me!)
The special at church is about bringing on the rain and was beyond
wonderful let me just tell you! The music was engaging and Pastor Mark
(He's the absolute bomb when it comes to pastors who can reach people!!)
spoke briefly about what we're doing to be refreshed in God and I can't
explain the whole thing because it was done in only a way he could do
it. The verse the entire service centered around was Psalm 23 (might as
well just slap me upside the head right??) This is the verse that speaks
about God always being with us and knowing that we never go through
anything alone (funk included).
So you've been to church and heard this
many times right? We'll ours was up on the big projectors and as it
displayed on the screen, phrase by phrase I was in such awe. You know
why? It was my husband's voice reading each phrase as it was shown!! I
was so drawn in to the warmth and simplicity of it that I didn't realize
until towards the end that it was him and this overwhelmed me! I was
bit by conviction yesterday in that I realized that the funk was from
me, not from others. I create it don't I? And I carry it out on others
(I mean really, what do I get from taking it out on myself){{sarcasm}}
My day yesterday was nice. I felt content and happy. I almost lost it
at one point but I caught myself, backed up and regrouped (I've heard
this is called control....) I didn't want my day ruined. And can you
believe I was protecting my happy day from myself ruining it!! I can't
even explain this one.....
We finished our day eating ribs, and watching a movie together (We
are Marshall) and all went to bed and it was all in all a good day. No
telling what today brings but who knows right?
Let's give it a try and see shall we??
Until next time!
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