I consider myself blessed to have been given the opportunity this year to join the staff at Bay Life Church in Brandon Florida. Our family has
attended this church for some time now and have grown to love the
people and the message Bay Life is sending out to our community. I
didn't always look at Bay Life as I do now, more so because of who I was
when I first started to attend their church.
use to be a "back seater" kind of person. You know the type.....get in
quick, find a back seat, making sure that I went unnoticed and could
make a quick exit at the end of the service (or before that if at all
possible so that I could avoid the mess of cars leaving the parking
lot). I had a rule
that during the "meet and greet" time, I could shake no more than a few
hands, after all, shaking hands meant meeting people and I didn't want
to become "comfortable" around these Christian folk! If at anytime I
became uncomfortable, I could always use the popular “I have to use the
restroom” line…..but I had to be careful not to develop a pattern for
this (although looking back, I have to wonder, was anyone really
counting how many times I did this?) I was the church critique…..seeking
out the weaknesses of the church, looking for people who I saw outside
of church in less than Christian places, making mention of how loud the
music was, how boring the speaker was and how all they wanted was to
collect some money to keep their world looking all sparkly to the
outsiders looking in. I had them pegged…..or did I?
Fast forward to the present and the church critique has been replaced by another kind of person. I have been transformed, through God’s mercy and the example made by the people at Bay Life church. Gone are the days of sitting in the back row……I sit as close to the front as possible for several reasons now. I want to be able to see the Pastor as he speaks, I want to be able to greet as many people as possible (to be honest, I still wonder if everyone washed their hands…) and I want to feel the worship music, desiring to enter into a time of oneness between myself and my God.
What made the big change? All credit for my salvation goes to God, he
forgave me and provided a new life for me, free for the taking if I
would accept him into my heart and let him be the center of my life. But there is another part to the story which needs to be told.
My view on church and what it stands for was changed by the ex
its people showed. I got beyond seeing hypocrites and realized that
many of the people I met genuinely cared about people like me. They took
time to speak to me, to shake my hand, to give me a hug (I don’t care
what anyone says…Christian woman are some of the most fantastic huggers
in the world!!!) They loved on me even though I wasn’t worthy of the
love and concern they offered. Why would they be this way? Why did they
care to give me an ounce of their time? I was the messed up one, you’d
think it would serve them best to remain as far away from me as
possible, some of my sin could be conta
or so I thought. They didn’t stay away, they didn’t walk by me with
ignoring eyes, they opened their arms and their hearts and showed me a
love I was afraid of yet deeply craved. Their consistency week after
week slowly knocked down the wall I had spent years building up. When a piece of the wall was removed, I had no desire to see it again.
am still a bit anxious at times, an old habit I guess, but I recognize
that I need to be accepting of the love being shown me and I too need to
love to others who come to our church. I seek out the back-seaters
often, just looking for a hand to shake, an opportunity to talk with
them, a chance to show them someone cares. After all, I sat in the seat
they now occupy, my prayer is that one day those seats are empty because
everyone who would typically fill them are sitting up front with myself
and others like me…..we’re front-seaters now….and there’s a way better
view from the front seat than from the back!
So to all who serve at Baylife......thank you for caring.....I was one who noticed.....
Until next time…..
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