"Random Writings in Ridiculous Times"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

For "Medical" Reasons

When you can't give reason to something going on it your life......blame it on a medical problem!!!!
One day I'm going to get on this site and say that the Diary of a Fat White Woman doesn't need to go on because I'm so skinny it wouldn't be right to do. But since my body has made it's own decision regarding the trip to a thinner me, the diary will go on, at least until I can figure this mess out!

I wish I understood the chemistry of the body so that I could understand why I'm not getting slimmer. Could it be a medical problem? Maybe my thyroid? (Doesn't one of them cause you to gain?? Is it contagious? could I have this?) Or maybe, my body is "confused" and thinks that any food I consume, be it healthy or loaded with everything bad is meant to put on weight.

I am convinced that on Tuesday I consumed 5 bottles of water and no food and added 4 pounds to my mass. Is this possible? Maybe someone is playing with my scale. it would be just like my kids to "tweak" it to put me into chaos. If not the kids then maybe one of the dogs? My husband wouldn't do this......he understands the value of living with a woman who is in a positive state of mine. He's experienced me outside of this state and I assure you he does not long for it to return.....

It must be medical. After all, I know it's not because of what I'm eating..... :-)

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