"Random Writings in Ridiculous Times"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Are Stretch Marks a Punishment??

Let's be honest.....if you've had children, don't stand there and tell me that you have "zero" stretchmarks!! After my share of pregnancies, I find it a little difficult to believe that a woman can get back to her "normal" weight and shave no stretchmarks. If you're one of those freaky people who can still get into the little polka dot bikini after experiencing childbirth and are able to display skin with no stretchmarks....you may want to question if the pregnancy was a product of your imagination!

I am stretch mark queen.......I don't say this simply or with pride....it's just a reality that I must live with each and every day I step out of the shower and see myself in the mirror. My body is a device that attracts stretch marks....and they grow like a bad virus. behind the knees, on the thighs, stomach area, and let's not forget the area we so lovingly refer to as "our human maracas!" One more area has fallen victim to these nasty skin deformers and it's the chest area. In this area of the body, they're out of control.....I think some of mine spell out phrases of some kind.....an underlying message to me, telling that it's only going to get worse as I get older.

So.....how do we rid our bodies of these obscene marks you might ask? Cocoa butter perhaps? No, this only works on reducing their effects "before" the problem begins. Those of you who are procrastinators and forget to rub on the lotion before birth....to bad. Do any of those infomerical promoted items work? I'll have to lean to the cautious side and say "Probably not, but they can empty our wallets if we let them." So, what's the remedy? I've found one thing that works quite effective, no matter how many stretchmarks you have an where they are.......

CLOTHING!!!!! Cover them up!!! Don't let exposure give your nasty secret away!!! Turtlenecks, long sleeve shirts, pants to the ankle.....heck, you may need a scarf if yours are really bad.....Do whatever is required but cover those ugly things up before anyone has the opportunity to comment on them or worse yet....take a picture!!!


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