"Random Writings in Ridiculous Times"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wedgies Aren't For Amatuers

You know you've had one of "those" days right? That pair of pants that you thought would look good with that certain top, only to find out (after you've left for work of course) that the undergarments you chose to wear that day weren't going to play nicely with the pants! All that work to dress in comfort while not losing a sense of style lost to the battle of the wedgie!!

Last week I wore those panties with a different pair of pants and they fit just fine. It's not that they're new, in fact, they're quite worn in, right at the age that you want your panties.....that "just right fittin" age. Then one day, for no reason, other than to cause chaos, they decide to sit off kilter and make you uncomfortable. And they don't just make you uncomfortable for a few minutes, or even, a few hours right? No......they decide to reek havoc the entire day long!!!

The solution? Well, a couple options as I see it.....first, you can throw them out. But we women don't like to part with something that once brought us comfort do we? we're pantie hoarders in some sense I think....we hold on to the bitter end. Second, we could take that extra few bucks at pay day and "splurge" on some new whities (or colories...whatever your preference). I know...I'm create a nervousness in some right now cause we're thinking "how dare we take money away from more important things such as kids needs or food for the family?" Why do we consider it selfish to fill our own need of a small purchase of whities....aren't we important?

Wedgies aren't for amatuers....I should know, I am one. I am defeated and will cast away the wedgie wonders for a new pair of tighty whities next pay day.....and, if I'm feeling sassy, I may even look into that triple pack of fruities at Walmart.....oh....to live so large!!!

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